Saturday, December 3, 2011

A County Compass Column by Judi Heit (January~December 2011)

Week of January 6~12, 2011

January 1 became the beginning of the New Year in 46 B.C., when Julius Caesar developed a calendar that would more accurately reflect the seasons than had previous calendars. The Romans named the first month of the year after Janus, the god of beginnings and guardian of doors and entrances. He was depicted with two faces, one on the front of his head and one on the back. At midnight on December 31, Romans imagined Janus looking back at the old year and forward to the new. The tradition of New Year's resolutions goes back to 153 B.C.


In every culture, the New Year is a time for celebration and customs to ensure good fortune and prosperity in the coming year. Here’s a look at some rituals from around the world:
  • AUSTRIA – “Sylvesterabend” (Eve of St. Sylvester) is celebrated with punch made of cinnamon, sugar and red wine to honor him. Evil spirits of the old year are chased away by firing mortars called “böller”. Midnight mass is attended and trumpets are blown from church towers at midnight, when people exchange kisses.
  • DENMARK – It’s a good sign to find your door heaped with a pile of broken dishes on New Years Eve. Old dishes are saved year round to throw at the homes of friends … many broken dishes are a symbol that you have many friends!
  • ENGLAND – The British place their fortunes for the coming year in the hands of their first guest. They believe the first visitor of each year should be male and bearing gifts. Traditional gifts are coal for the fire, a loaf for the table and a drink for the master. For good luck, the guest should enter through the front door and leave through the back. Guests who are empty-handed or unwanted are not allowed to enter first!
  • GREECE – A special New Year's bread is baked with a coin buried in the dough. The first slice is for the Christ child, the second for the father of the household and the third slice for the house. If the third slice holds the coin, spring will come early that year.
  • NORWAY – A rice pudding is made one whole almond within. Guaranteed wealth goes to the person whose serving holds the lucky almond.
  • SICILY – An old Sicilian tradition says good luck will come to those who eat lasagna on New Year's Day. But woe if you dine on macaroni, for any other noodle will bring bad luck!
  • SPAIN & PERU - When the clock strikes midnight, the Spanish eat 12 grapes, one with every toll, to bring good luck for the 12 months ahead. The Peruvian spin on this custom is a 13th grape that must be eaten to assure good luck.
  • SWITZERLAND – The Swiss celebrate St. Sylvester’s Day on January 13 by going through the streets dressed in costumes and hats representing good and evil spirits. Letting a drop of cream fall on the floor New Year’s Day is said to bring a year of overflowing abundance.
  • WALES – At the first toll of midnight, the back door is opened and then shut to release the old year and lock out all of its bad luck. At the twelfth stroke of the clock, the front door is opened and the New Year is welcomed with all of its luck.
  • USA – A kiss shared at the stroke of midnight is derived from masked balls that have been common throughout history. As tradition has it, the masks symbolize evil spirits from the old year and the kiss is the purification into the New Year.
Week of January 20~26, 2011

I recently heard from someone who was frustrated at not being able to find an ancestor on ship manifests. As family lore had it, he arrived in America without paperwork and, since he couldn’t speak English, authorities at Ellis Island changed his name. He had only 50¢ in his pocket, yet somehow made his way to Ohio where he joined relatives who immigrated before him.

This is a common story, so let’s examine the facts … one at a time.


“He arrived without paperwork ...” Requirements for admission to the U.S. were strict. One had to have proper ID filled out in the country of origin. Even if our ancestors couldn’t read or write, they always had paperwork, usually written in their native language, which clearly identified who they were and where they were from.

People arriving in America without proper ID were sent back to their port of embarkation at the steamship company’s expense, so steamship lines typically checked IDs before allowing anyone to board. (Note: I understand exceptions to this rule were made 1945-1946 when a flood of refugees from Europe arrived here. Many, whose passage was paid by the American Red Cross and other relief agencies, did not possess an ID.)

“… and authorities at Ellis Island changed his name.” Despite claims to the contrary, this never happened! Names were copied from documents filled out by clerks at the immigrant’s country of origin. Immigrants processed through Ellis Island used their true names, though often with spelling variations as many were illiterate and didn’t know how to spell their names in their native language.

It’s true that many immigrants couldn’t speak English, but authorities were well-prepared. During its years of operation, Ellis Island hired an army of part-time interpreters. Steerage passengers (the majority of our ancestors) were not allowed off a ship until they had spoken with an interpreter who was also able to read and write the language on an immigrant’s documentation.

“He had only 50¢ in his pocket ...” Millions of immigrants were nearly penniless upon arrival. However, would-be paupers were not allowed into the U.S. Immigrants had to either have money in their pocket or some documentation proving they had financial support.

While we could quibble that this man didn’t have 50¢ unless he arrived from a country that used dollars and cents, the FACT is that somebody paid for his ticket and trans-Atlantic passage was not cheap: It was often paid by someone who was already here, and it was common for immigrants to possess a letter from that person stating, “I will provide food and shelter ...” Many immigrants were sponsored by corporations who provided steamship tickets for the new employee and his family, along with dormitory accommodations upon arrival, if the would-be immigrant signed an employment agreement for 2-3 years or longer.

“… yet somehow made his way to Ohio.” Our ancestors carried documentation stating where they were headed and who they were going to. You’ll find this information on ship manifests along with who paid their passage and how much money they arrived with.

Perfect Practice Makes Perfect: If you’re having trouble finding an ancestor on ship manifests, try saying his/her name out loud using various spellings, pronouncing it the way you imagine your immigrant ancestor might have. If it’s a married female, search under her maiden name … particularly if she was Italian. Children will be listed using their father’s surname.

Week of March 10~16, 2011

The chart most genealogists begin with is a Pedigree Chart. This chart begins with you and branches back in time, displaying the line of your direct ancestors. Most pedigree charts cover four generations, including space to record names with dates and places of birth, marriage and death for each individual.


Pedigree charts are available in several formats:

Paper Forms: At,  the online companion to PBS television’s program Ancestors, you’ll find PDF files of blank forms available FREE to the public. Genealogists who like to work with paper copies can print and fill them out by hand, which is often the easiest first step for beginners.

Genealogy Computer Programs: Each program can print information in pedigree chart or family group sheet form, as well as several other choices. Some have particular places to enter research log information; it may also be entered in the "notes" field for each individual or family. Blank forms can always be printed for working by hand.

Online Genealogy Websites: and others like it have the capability for genealogists to enter and store their information online, keeping it private if so desired. Just like a genealogy program on a home computer, an online site will print information in various formats. Blank forms are generally available for non-members to print as well, but it may take some digging to find them.

The standard Pedigree Chart always begins with you (or the individual whose ancestry you’re tracing) at #1 on the chart. Information on your father (or #1's father) is entered at #2, mother at #3, paternal grandfather at #4, paternal grandmother at #5, maternal grandfather at #6, maternal grandmother at #7 and so on. The male line always follows the upper track, while the female line follows the bottom track.

• Record full names when known, writing the surname in caps (John William SMITH)
• Record full maiden names for married women
• Record dates as day, month and year (1 Jan 2011)
• Record places as Town, County, State, Country

After you've traced a family back more than four generations, you’re ready to add an additional chart for generations 5-7. To make it easy to follow a family from chart to chart, record the next chart number beside each individual in the 4th generation (ancestors 8-15). At the top of each new chart, you’ll reference their number and original chart so you can quickly follow the family through the generations. For example, person #1 on chart #2 will be the same person as person #8 on chart #1 (your father’s father’s father).

Perfect Practice Makes Perfect: Once you have the basics recorded, there are many creative ways you can turn your tree into a lovely heirloom. Go to and search for “family tree images”. A click on many of the images will bring you to sites where you can either download FREE templates or order custom-made trees.

Week of April 7~13, 2011

We all have photos of people we can’t identify and keep them because they’re precious heirlooms. We hope that someday we’ll figure out who they are, but that usually won’t happen without some detective work. Here are five steps to help you uncover their secrets.


1. By understanding old processes, it’s possible to determine the period of time a photograph was taken. If you can’t identify the process yourself, a local photographer may be able to help:
  • Daguerreotypes (ca. 1839): Images created on a silver or silver-covered copper plate.
  • Ambrotypes (ca. 1854): A glass negative backed with black material which enabled it to appear as a positive image.
  • Ferrotypes/Tintypes (ca. 1855): Produced in various sizes and substituted an iron plate for glass. Because tintypes were placed in albums along with CDVs, they were often trimmed at the sides and corners.
  • Carte de Visite (ca. 1859): CDVs involved a special camera that produced 8 poses on one negative. This provided photographs the size of a then standard calling card. They arrived in the U.S. on the eve of the Civil War (1861~1865) and quickly became popular with loved ones who sought an affordable image remembrance. Special photo albums were designed to hold them.
2. Formal pictures often show the name and place of the studio where it was taken. To determine the time period a photographer was in business, check old city directories for the area or ask members of local historical and genealogical societies. Some photographers were only in business for a few years, so that information may help you narrow the time period down. is a great resource of American photographers and has a Photographer’s Database.

3. The setting or backdrop may provide clues to location or time period. Look for recognizable details from other photos of the same family: Their house, car, furniture, household items, jewelry and other background items that may have appeared in photos for which you do have names and dates.

4. Photographs taken during the 19th century were generally formal affairs where people got dressed up in their "Sunday best." Clothing fashions and hairstyle choices changed from year to year, providing another basis for determining the approximate date when a photograph was taken. Pay special attention to waist size and styles, necklines, skirt lengths and widths, dress sleeves and fabric choices. Women's clothing styles tend to change more frequently than men, but men's fashions can still be helpful. Menswear is all in the details, such as coat collars, neckties and uniforms. If you're new to identifying clothing features, hairstyles and other fashion features, begin by comparing fashions from similar photos for which you have dates. For help, go to

5. Once you narrow down a location and time period, knowledge of your ancestors comes into play. Knowing which branch of the family passed down the photograph can help. If the photograph is a family portrait or group shot, try to identify other people in the photo. Talk to family members to see if they recognize any of the faces or features of the photograph.

Perfect Practice Makes Perfect: If you still aren't able to identify the subjects of your photo, create a list of the ancestors who meet all of the possible criteria, including approximate age, family line and location. Then cross off any people who you have been able to identify in other photos as different individuals. You may find you only have only one or two possibilities left!

Week of May 5~11, 2011
The Civil War began 150 years ago on April 12, 1861. Though it’s unknown how many soldiers actually served on both sides, it’s estimated that over 600 of them were women disguised as men. Flying in the face of Victorian conventions and the traditional view of females as frail, passive and subordinate, about 250 women are thought to have served in the Confederate Army, with about 400 women serving on the Union side.
Even if the estimate of 600 soldier-women is accepted as an upper limit, it’s an astonishing figure. How were so many women able to accomplish this incredible deception, when it’s inconceivable that a woman could enter the military under the same circumstances today?


Franklin Edmonds  ~ Sarah Emma Edmonds
Recruitment examinations were only as good as the surgeon who performed them. A recruit was unlikely to face a physical more rigorous than holding out his hands to demonstrate he had a working trigger finger or perhaps opening his mouth to show his teeth were strong enough to rip open a minie ball cartridge.

1860s Army life differed significantly from today’s military. There was no boot camp with intensive physical training and living/sleeping arrangements were close or closer than today’s standard. The fact that the majority of soldiers lived outside throughout the war, with freedom to wash and attend to sanitary matters out of sight of comrades, made it possible for females to avoid the scrutiny that would give them away. Societal standards of modesty ensured that no one would question a shy soldier’s reluctance to bathe in a river with his messmates or to relieve himself in the open company sinks.

Victorian gender identification was more closely linked to attire and superficial appearances than physical characteristics. Hoop skirts were the order of the day with long hair worn in elaborate arrangements. A woman in pants in 1861 was a sight more rare than a man wearing a dress is today. Thus, if it wore pants, most people of the period naturally assumed the person was a man. In polite society, speculating further or inquiring upon what lay beneath another person’s attire would mark the questioner as less than a gentleman or lady.

A large number of young and beardless boys whose voices had yet to change served on both sides. The presence of pre-adolescent boys in the ranks aided likewise beardless and high-voiced women to blend into the ranks with their male comrades. Many of them were not discovered until they were killed in battle, required medical attention or became pregnant. When revealed, they were most often discharged on the grounds of “sexual incompatibility”.

Ill-fitting uniforms helped to conceal feminine characteristics. A common element of soldier-women stories was their ability to recognize other women in the ranks while the men around them were oblivious to this deception. This suggests that, while women knew what to look for in order to recognize other women in male attire, the men around them were either unfamiliar with the sight of women in pants or had extreme difficulty accepting the possibility that a fellow soldier might not be male. Biases about the physical, emotional and intellectual abilities of women, as well as beliefs about appropriate and acceptable feminine roles, precluded the concept of a female soldier and rendered many men in the armies incapable of recognizing the women among them.

Now take a closer look: Discovering this fascinating aspect of Civil War history makes it impossible to view its photos without searching for the faces of these brave women who went to field and fought like the rest of ‘em! For further reading and photos of some soldier women visit

Week of June 9~15, 2011

Genealogists collect a lot of personal details about ancestors and living descendants. Sharing what we discover is fundamental to our research, but we don’t want to spill details others would rather we keep quiet. Relatives might fear identity theft or the revelation of what they see as shameful secrets. Others simply don’t like the idea of “strangers” knowing anything about them.

As social norms and morals change, so do our ideas about what’s embarrassing. Think about what’s “normal” for your family and, if possible, ask the person involved about h/her preference. To help you balance those concerns, here are 6 tips for sharing your research.


1. Identify what should be private. Any information on living people that could be considered embarrassing should stay confidential. This might include illegitimate births, affairs, remarriages, mental illness or criminal history. Also withhold such details on a deceased person if h/her living spouse or children might be embarrassed by disclosing it.

2. Find out what’s already public. Even if the information you want to share is already public knowledge, it doesn’t mean it’s OK to republish what you’ve discovered online. Nor does it mean you should focus new attention on an incident that relatives might find embarrassing. It just means the information is already out of the barn.

3. Get permission before revealing details to “strangers”. Regardless of the content, get OKs from all living relatives before publishing information about them in a place where nonrelatives can access it. If contacting them all would be too great a job, take the safe route … when in doubt, leave it out.

4. Suppress information about living relatives in GEDCOMS you swap. All popular genealogy programs can exchange information with other programs via GEDCOM files (a trade language for genealogy programs). If you’re sending a GEDCOM file to someone else or posting it online, exclude information about living descendants. Most programs let you include either your entire family file or specific branches of your family tree … find out how to do this on the program you’re using. Most programs also let you mark as private all or part of a notes field.

5. Control what’s visible in online trees. Some online family trees automatically filter out information on living people and let you control who gets access to your submissions. Before posting, check out their privacy policy. As a researcher, you’ll want to be credited for your hard work (remaining anonymous offers no benefits to most submitters). Doing so also enables other researchers to contact you. If you’re concerned about infringements on your privacy, create a Google or Hotmail account for the specific purpose of sharing genealogical info online.

6. Avoid publicizing details about minors. Don’t post information or pictures of children in publicly accessible places (particularly sites like Facebook) unless you adjust your privacy settings to “Friends Only”. ALWAYS get parental permission and stick to password-protected sites you can “invite” people to view.

Perfect Practice Makes Perfect: In the end, you’re the only one who can decide what, if anything, your genealogy project says about you and living relatives. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing: For example, in an online tree you can include full names, initials only or simply use the word “living” as a first name.

Week of June 30~July 6, 2011

The African Origins project arose from the work of Ugo Nwokeji and David Eltis who used audio recordings of names found in Courts of Mixed Commission (CMC) registers for Havana, Cuba and Freetown, Sierra Leone to identify likely ethno-linguistic origins. The names in these recordings were pronounced by speakers of the same language and accent that the CMC registrants would likely have had (if the name was written in a Havana register, the names were pronounced by a Spanish speaker with a Havana accent).

This helped connect the sound of the name to its spelling and enabled a more accurate opinion of its possible ethnic origin than would its written match alone. The recordings were played to informants in Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Angola and to members of the African diaspora in parts of North America, who were able to identify through these pronunciations the likely ethnic group from which the name derived.

A LITTLE ACORNS EXTRA: African Origins Project Hopes to Identify Origins of Africans Transported in the Transatlantic Slave Trade

Why the registers were created: Following anti-slave trade treaties, U.S. and British Royal Navies policed the African Atlantic coast in search of slaving vessels. They escorted captured ships to ports where CMC were established to arbitrate cases of slave trading. The registers were created to provide a record of liberated Africans in an effort to prevent their re-enslavement. Ideally, these Africans would be repatriated to their country of origin and, should they be captured again, the registers would provide legal evidence of their status and secure their freedom.

Many liberated Africans didn’t go back to their pre-enslavement existence. Instead of being returned to their place of origin, those taken back to Africa were brought to areas unfamiliar to them and some of them were re-enslaved. The less fortunate continued their ocean voyages on a repatriation vessel, sometimes taking several months to return to Africa, many dying before reaching African shores.

Other liberated Africans were taken to ports in the Americas or islands in the Caribbean where CMC were established. Almost all Africans on board vessels that were diverted to ports in the Americas, and many of those taken to Sierra Leone, eventually became part of the black population of the Americas.

How to use the database: To this writing, there are over 9,000 profiles in this database. Details include the name as it appeared in the CMC register, age, ship name and embarkation/disembarkation ports. Where known, it includes place of origin/ethnicity. In each profile, you can click to hear how the name was pronounced and can view a list of others who were on board with that individual. Because the African names were recorded by English and Spanish speakers at a time when many African languages had no written counterpart, the spelling is a phonetic representation of how the name might be spelled by an English or Spanish speaker.

To get started, type the name you are seeking in the “Name” box under Search Tools. By default, the name search locates phonetically similar names. As modern counterparts of these names are added from public contributions, this search can also be used to find likely modern spellings of these African names.
Its use in genealogical research: A challenge to tracing African ancestry is locating records that link a name in a record created on the American side of the Atlantic with the actual name of the African who made the voyage. Names of Africans transported in the transatlantic slave trade were often “Christianized” once the Africans on board were sold into slavery. For this reason, a database such as the African Origins portal naturally generates excitement, since the names of the people on board are clearly African.

However, there are limits to its usefulness in genealogical research. Because Africans on board were liberated, and never entered into the intra-national records of the slave trade, there is less likelihood they can be connected with, say, an African American’s research into enslaved ancestors. That said the database still enables the discovery of information that will help to shed light on the ancestry of individuals descended from Africans transported in the trade or members of the African Diaspora.

Contribute to this project: If you are familiar with any African names or naming practices, you can contribute to this project. By suggesting a modern counterpart for an African name recorded in the historical registers, as well as ethno-linguistic groups that use that name, you’ll help to identify the likely linguistic, cultural and geographic origins of that African. Learn more about this at


Week of August 4~10, 2011
Finding a suitable wife hasn’t always been a straightforward proposition … especially when it came to establishing settlements in a savage New World.


Jamestown Women
Jamestown Women – After Jamestown’s establishment in 1607, there was concern as to whether white women had a place in the savage New World. By 1619, the Virginia Company of London realized the establishment of thriving communities would be impossible without the stabilizing influence of wives and arranged that “a fit hundredth might be sent of women, maids young and uncorrupt, to make wives to the inhabitants.” 57 young maids arrived in 1622, most of whom “were well married before the coming away of the ships.” Search: “The Virginia Colonial Records Project”.

Filles du Roi – Men in the French colonies were also longing for wives. Recognizing this necessity, King Louis XIV sponsored the emigration of 770 “Kings Daughters” between 1663-1779. They were generally 12-25 years old and had to supply a letter of reference from their parish priest before being chosen for passage to New France.

Filles Du Roi
Most of the women were commoners of humble birth who received a King’s dowry of 50 livres (more if they married an army officer) and free passage. Some were considered orphans by virtue of having lost at least one parent. Others had both parents but needed to go out on their own. If you have French Canadian ancestors, you more than likely have one or more “Daughters” in your tree. Go to:
Casket Girls
Casket Girls – In 1718 there were no white women in and around the swampy settlement of New Orleans when the French Canadian, Jean Baptiste LeMoyne brought approximately 300 men to build the city of Nouvelle Orleans. Among those men, only 28 were married, leaving poor prospects for the remaining 272. LeMoyne’s need to keep his men happy led to a plea in his earliest message to the King for a shipment of marriageable women. But what parents of a virtuous daughter would send her into the wilderness?

Less virtuous women were available … French women who had fallen into disfavor with their families, orphans living on the streets of Paris and many who were imprisoned in dungeons and asylums. Thus, 80 “Correction Girls” were sent to Louisana with a casket-like box containing some articles of dress. Those who survived the months-long trip were snatched up on arrival by men who were fortunate enough to have their pick.

Some women didn’t wed or were widowed after brief marriages, a condition that prompted the governor to send the following message to Paris in 1722: “There are here, Gentlemen, a number of women to whom rations are given … who are useless and who do nothing but cause disorder. The majority of these women are ruined with pox and ruin the sailors. It is necessary that you be so good as to order the Council to have them go into the interior among the Indians.” Subsequently, it became a matter of pride in the colony to derive one’s origin from “filles a la cassette” or “casket girls” vs. “Correction Girls”. Search: “filles a la cassette”.

Week of August 25~31, 2011

The following article is from Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, available at It’s copyrighted by Richard W. Eastman and re-published here with the permission of the author.

In the course of writing this newsletter, I get to see a lot of genealogy information. Most of what I see is on the Web, although some information is in books or e-mail. Some of what I see is high-quality research. However, much of it is much less than that. Even the shoddiest genealogy work could be so much more if the compiler had simply spent a bit of time thinking about what he/she was doing.

Creating first-class genealogy work isn’t difficult. In fact, it’s expected. It should be the norm. Please consider the following "rules." If you follow these guidelines, you, too, can produce high-quality genealogy reports that will be useful to others.


1. Never accept someone else's opinion as "fact." Be suspicious. Always check for yourself!
2. Verify primary sources (see Footnote #1). Never accept secondary sources (see Footnote #2) as factual until you’ve personally verified the information.
3. Cite your sources! Every time you refer to a person's name, date and/or place of an event, always tell where you found the information. If you’re not certain how to do this, get a copy of "Evidence Explained" by Elizabeth Shown Mills. It shows both the correct form of source citation and the sound analysis of evidence.
4. If you use the work of others, always give credit. Never claim someone else's research as your own.
5. Assumptions and "educated guesses" are acceptable in genealogy as long as they’re clearly labeled as such. Never offer your theories as facts.
6. Be open to corrections. The greatest genealogy experts make occasional errors. So will you. Accept this as fact. When someone points out a possible error in your work, thank that person for his/her assistance and then seek to re-verify your original statement(s). Again, check primary sources.
7. Respect the privacy of living individuals. Never reveal personal details about living individuals without their permission. Do not reveal their names, dates or locations.
8. Keep "family secrets." Not everyone wants information about a court record or illegitimate birth posted on the Internet or written in books. The family historian “records” family secrets as facts but does not “publish” them.
9. Protect original documents. Handle documents with care and return them to their rightful storage locations.
10. Be prepared to reimburse others for reasonable expenses incurred on your behalf. If someone travels to a records repository and makes photocopies for you, offer to reimburse the expenses.
The above "commandments" apply to online data as well as to printed information. Following them will increase the value of your work and make it valuable to others.

Footnote #1: A primary record is one created at or immediately after the occurrence of the event cited. The record was created by someone who had person knowledge of the event. Examples include marriage records created by the minister, census records, death certificates created within days after the death, etc. 19th Century and earlier source records will be in the handwriting of the person who recorded the event, such as the minister, town clerk or census taker.
Footnote #2: A secondary record is one made years after the original event, usually by someone who was not at the original event and did not have personal knowledge of the participants. Most published genealogy books are secondary sources; the author is writing about events that occurred many years before he/she wrote the book. Transcribed records are always secondary sources. They may contain errors created inadvertently by the transcriber. Most online databases are transcribed/secondary sources.

Week of September 29~October 5, 2011



“…Twenty people, including several babies, were marooned in a tobacco barn near Oriental all Saturday night, MRS. O'BERRY [of Goldsboro, state director of relief] reported. Oriental is in Pamlico county. Water in the barn often reached a depth of several feet and mothers had to hold their babies over their heads to prevent them from drowning. From many sources came reports of harrowing experiences, of persons being marooned for almost 23 hours while high water almost took their homes away.” The Daily Times-News, September 18, 1933

Did grandma talk about a devastating hurricane or tornado she experienced? Was grandpa killed in a tragic accident? If so, is a site you should visit!

While it’s hoped that your ancestors never endured hardships and suffering from fires, explosions, floods, mine accidents and other disasters, GenDisasters is there to help you find the ancestors who did. From cave-ins to hurricanes and horse/buggy accidents to train wrecks, you’ll find peculiar facts and extraordinary pictures of events that touched our ancestors’ lives.
  • You can browse the site by accidents and disasters, by U.S. states or Canadian territories and by year. The database is also searchable by surname.
  • If you’d like more information on a disaster or are looking for an individual who was injured or killed in a disaster, there is a message board where you can post inquiries.
  • You can tell site administers what you’d like to see on the site.
  • You can add your own disaster story; if you have pictures and information about a tragedy, you’ll be able to submit and share it with the rest of the world.
How can this database aid family historians? GenDisasters is compiling vital information on the historic disasters and tragic accidents our ancestors endured, as well as information about their life and death. This searchable database contains user-submitted transcriptions of newspaper articles about these historic events.

Is the site use-friendly? Yes. The site can be easily explored by using the navigation bar located on the left-hand side of the home page. It also has a sidebar containing featured articles.

How accurate is the information? As with all family history research, information should be independently verified. Though information contained on this site is sometimes difficult to read emotionally, GenDisasters is an incredible site … one of my favorite sources for historical information.

How much does it cost? This is a FREE website!

Week of October 13~19, 2011

Genealogists know the importance of county governments for maintaining various types of records that are useful for research. But how often have you tried searching for an ancestor's historical records in a given county, only to realize that you were searching in the right place but the wrong county? In fact, according to the director of the Atlas of Historical County Boundaries Project at Chicago’s Newberry Library, "the average number of boundary changes per county is 4.5”. This means there's a very good chance that you are sometimes looking in the wrong county for some of your genealogical records.

The Atlas of Historical County Boundaries[1] is a powerful historical research and reference. The Atlas presents in maps and text, complete data about the creation and all subsequent changes (dated to the day) in the size, shape and location of every county in the U.S. It also includes non-county areas, unsuccessful authorizations for new counties, changes in county names and organization and the temporary attachments of non-county areas and unorganized counties to fully functioning counties. The principal sources for this data are the most authoritative available: the session laws of the colonies, territories and states that created and changed the counties.

Using information from the project, Randy Majors created an easy-to-use online Historical County Boundary Maps tool based on Google Maps. You can type in any present-day place in the U.S. with any historical year to see the map of county boundaries in effect at that time, along with all of the current Google Maps places, roads, etc. to put the historical map in a familiar context. You can then click any county on the map to see the specific history of the boundary changes and type in different years to see the boundary changes over time. Here's how to do it:

1. Go to and type a PRESENT-day place and a HISTORICAL year. You can also type a present day address or road name. (Depending on the date of state formation, the year can be from the mid-1600s.) This won’t account for addresses or road names that have changed. If you suspect that, start with the right present-day town or city name.

2. Click on "Go!" [2]

3. Once you see county boundaries, click inside any county to see its name and details. A pop-up window will list the county name and when its boundaries went into effect as of the date you selected. Type a year prior to that date to see the previous boundaries. Currently, county boundaries must be viewed one state at a time.

[1] To access interactive maps and other historical data at the Newberry Library site, go to
[2] Occasionally, county lines may take up to 10 seconds to appear; if the county lines never appear, try refreshing the page and try your search again. As with any new and innovative technology, don't be surprised if things occasionally don't function as expected.

Week of September 10~16, 2011

Many of our ancestors joined fraternal orders or societies—associations of people bound together for common purposes. They were called friendly societies in Great Britain and, while many were based on the Freemasons, they would develop for different reasons. Broadly, there are about seven types of these organizations: Social, Benevolent & Service, Ethnic, Trade, Religious & Mystical, Political and Criminal.

The more-modern groups evolved out of ancient roman “burial clubs,” associations that offered members the equivalent of life insurance: they collected dues at regular meetings to pay for members’ funeral costs. A large number of these organizations are still in existence today.


Our ancestors took pride in belonging to fraternal societies and weren’t shy about showing off their membership. Look for the following clues: Jewelry or stationery with a group insignia, pictures taken in full fraternal regalia for cartes de visite (photographic calling cards which were given to friends and associates), funeral notices and insignias engraved on their tombstones or on flag holders placed in the ground nearby.

If you haven’t found any of those clues, you still can investigate fraternal organizations that might have appealed to your ancestors. Start by writing down everything you know about great-grandpa’s religion, occupation and ethnic heritage. Then research which organizations were active where he lived.

Finding biographical data in the records of any fraternal group requires a certain amount of tenacity and will not add generations to your family tree. Essentially, you’ll learn details that illustrate your ancestor’s personality. Keep in mind that these are private records that often aren’t accessible to genealogists. Many of these groups will respond to inquiries, but it’s usually necessary to contact them via snail mail. Some charge hefty fees for a search in their files and others don’t have staff to handle queries. If you write, remember to include a No. 10, self-addressed stamped envelope and always offer to pay for the research service.

Perfect practice makes perfect: Learn to recognize fraternal insignias and you’ll have an easier time placing your ancestor in a particular society. Excellent resources include:

Week of December 22-28, 2911

If you caught the genealogy bug because you thought you descended from a Revolutionary War patriot or a Mayflower passenger, you’re not alone. But if you can prove direct descent from the right ancestor, a lineage society might want you as a member. While belonging to one is an honor in itself, membership has other privileges. For example, it connects you with family historians who have similar research interests and allows you access to the organization’s library and other resources.

Just thinking you qualify for membership doesn’t count, though—to qualify for most societies, you’ll need to trace your direct line back to an ancestor who meets a specific criterion for membership. Depending on the society, it might be serving in the Revolutionary War, signing the Declaration of Independence, fighting for the Confederacy, serving with Washington at Valley Forge or running a hostelry before July 4, 1776.


Here’s a sampling of what you can shoot for, depending on who’s in your family tree. A comprehensive list of societies and groups can be found at

War Societies out-number all other types. To qualify for membership, you must descend from someone who served in a specific war, either as a soldier or in some other accepted capacity. Search: Hereditary Order of the Descendants of the Loyalists and Patriots of the American Revolution, General Society of the War of 1812, Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil war 1861-1865, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, and, the oldest American war society, the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts.

Old World Societies require members to trace their lineage back to nobility or royalty. Search: Order of the Crown of Charlemagne in the United States of America and National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons. (If you’re worried about descent out of wedlock, there’s even a society for the Illegitimate Sons and Daughters of the Kings of Britain!)

Colonial Societies require members to trace their lineage to someone who lived in one of the Colonies before a specified date. Search: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, Society of the Ark and the Dove Associated , National Society of the Colonial Dames of America and Daughters of Early American Witches.

Early-Settler Societies require that you have an ancestor who lived in an area before statehood. With the exception of the National Society of New England Women, most are state-specific. Search: Cyndi’s List.

Religious & Ethnic Societies require that you descend from a specific cultural group. In some, you’ll need to trace your lineage back to a set time period. Only a handful of them exist, and most are related to Huguenot ancestry. Search: National Huguenot Society.

Perfect Practice Makes Perfect: In order to join a lineage society, you’ll need to thoroughly document your lineage back to the qualifying ancestor. Acceptable proof includes: vital records, censuses, wills, probate or land records, tax lists, family bibles and letters.

Friday, December 2, 2011

A County Compass Column by Judi Heit (January~December 2010)

Week of January 14-20, 2010

The WAR OF 1812 was fought between the U.S. and Great Britain from June 1812 to spring 1815. This conflict involved about 60,000 U.S. Army forces and 470,000 militia and volunteer troops. Amazingly, only 2,000 of them were killed. “War Hawks” came mostly from the Western and Southern states, while New England generally opposed going to war.

If your ancestor was born between 1762-1799, search indexed and microfilmed military service files at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) site ( has a microfilmed index plus records for Mississippi. offers a service records database that’s essentially an index listing just the soldier’s name, company and rank. Pension applications are available only from NARA. If your ancestor served in the multiple Indian wars from 1815-1858, check the microfilmed indexes to these records at NARA where actual records are on microfilm. Other resources:
The MEXICAN WAR began on April 25, 1846 and ended with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo on February 2, 1848. Although the war was one of the most momentous conflicts of the 19th century, most Americans seem to know little about it. It’s often confused with the Texas Revolution (1835-1836), the Spanish-American War (1898) or the border skirmishes with Mexican Revolutionaries that took place between 1913-1916. This may be due in part to the overshadowing of the Mexican War by the Civil War.
If your ancestor was born between 1796-1831, search indexed and microfilmed military service files at NARA and The actual compiled service records are microfilmed only for Arkansas, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Texas, plus a special Mormon Battalion.

Congress didn’t authorize pensions for Mexican War veterans until 1887, but these application files include some genealogical treasures: Applicants had to supply wife’s maiden name, names of any former wives (with death or divorce data) and names/birth dates of living children. The applications, which were accepted until 1926, are indexed on microfilm at NARA where you’ll have to go to request actual files. Other resources:

If records you need aren’t online or microfilmed, search for paper records and request copies through NARA’s Order Online System (this service is NOT free). Here’s how:

1. Go to Log in or click “New User” to register. Then go back to the home page and click “Order Reproductions”.

2. Under Record Reproductions select “Military Service & Pension Records”.

3. From the list of records select the record you want.

4. Note the estimated fee and wait time. For more information or (free) sample records, click the items under “Item Details”. Then select “Add to Cart”.

5. Fill in what you know about your ancestor. (If you let the system idle too long, you’ll get kicked out. If you must pause, click “Save and Finish Later”.) Click “Continue to Pay and Ship” (at the bottom) to enter your address and credit card information.

Perfect practice makes perfect: For best results at NARA, gather as much information as you can about your soldier before going online: Full name (including middle name, alternate spellings, etc.), year of birth/death, place of birth/death, war he served in and state from which he served.

Week of February 18-24, 2010

If your ancestor was born between 1811-1848, look for records from the Civil War (1861-1865). While Union soldiers left more extensive records, having fought on the winning side, what you’ll find about Confederate soldiers may surprise you. Confederate service records that were captured/surrendered ended up in Washington where the War Department eventually compiled files similar to those on Union troops.


Whether your ancestor served in blue or gray, use these resources to search for records:
  • The Civil War Soldiers & Sailors System (CWSS) should be your first stop. Click on “Soldiers” and fill in as many blanks as you can. Key data you’ll learn will include your ancestor’s unit/state, side served, initial/final rank and regiment/company. (Note: Those who served in different units are listed more than once. 
  • Every soldier had a Compiled Military Service Record (CMSR). The CMSR, with contents compiled from original muster rolls and other records, contains cards recording whether the soldier was present during a period of time, facts of enlistment/discharge and any wounds/hospitalization. Place of birth may be noted, though only the country is listed for foreign-born men. May also include an internal jacket of “personal papers” such as enlistment documents and any POW records.
  • If your ancestor fought for the Union it’s likely he, his widow or minor children applied for a pension. Pension files often contain richer data than the CMSR, including a medical history if he lived for a number of years after the war. Widows had to supply evidence of marriage and applicants on behalf of minor children had to prove their birth and the soldier’s marriage. Union pension records are indexed on NARAs General Index to Pension Files (microfilm roll T288). Search the index at or use or visit your library where the Library Edition is available for free. Actual pension files can be requested from NARAs Order Online Service or by mail using NATF Form 85. Ask for copies of all documents in the file or you’ll get only selected pages. If you order online, you can choose the Pension Documents Packet or the Complete File. The former Confederate states also granted pensions for their veterans, but application records aren’t centralized. Look for online indexes at state archive web sites.
  • Not all Union soldiers were volunteers. In 1863 Congress enacted the nation’s first military draft. Draft records, which are not microfilmed, are in NARA Record Group 110. Consolidated lists show each man’s name, residence, age, occupation, marital status, place of birth and any previous military service.
  • Part of the 1890 Census of Union Veterans and Widows survived the fire that destroyed the rest of the 1890 enumeration. If your ancestor lived in DC or one of the states alphabetically from Kentucky-Wyoming, you’re in luck. The 1910 Census also asked whether a person was a survivor of the Union Army (UA)/Navy (UN) or Confederate Army (CA)/Navy (CN).
  • After the war, many Union veterans joined organizations such as the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR). Union officers formed the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Union hereditary groups include the Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War and Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. Confederate veterans established the United Confederate Veterans. Confederate hereditary groups include Sons of Confederate Veterans and United Daughters of the Confederacy.
  • If you think your Civil War ancestor is buried in a government cemetery, search at the Department of Veterans Affairs’ National Gravesite Locator. This site indexes burial locations of veterans and their families in VA national cemeteries, state veterans cemeteries and other military Department of Interior cemeteries.

Week of March 18-24, 2010

The enslavement of Africans in the Americas grew from a demand for labor, driven by consumers of plantation produce and precious metals. Because Amerindians died in large numbers, and insufficient numbers of Europeans were prepared to cross the Atlantic, the form this demand took was shaped by conceptions of social identity on four continents, which ensured the labor would comprise mainly slaves from Africa.

The central question of which peoples from Africa went to a given region of the Americas cannot be answered without an understanding of the wind and ocean currents of the Atlantic Ocean. This topic, and others related to the trans-Atlantic slave trade between the 16th and 17th centuries, can be researched at, where you’ll also find a database identifying over 67,000 Africans aboard slave ships.


You will follow the same steps as any research project with this difference: you’ll need to study both the slave and owner families because they were bound together as a community and family unit: their children played together, black women cared for white children and the owners and slaves sometimes worked side by side.

More importantly, as a valued asset, slaves could be bequeathed to a family member, loaned out, given away as gifts to children or sold to liquidate an estate. Hence, it may be possible to trace a particular slave through wills, probate files, inventories, account books, deeds, tax records and manumission papers which documented a slave’s freedom when it was granted or bought. Most property-related records are in county courthouses, local libraries, historical societies and state archives.

Start your research by tracing your ancestor back to 1865 when slavery ended. Try to learn his name and where he settled at that time. You may already know slaves didn’t have last names: While taking the master’s surname was common, and is a good place to start (especially if it was unusual), don’t assume this was true in all cases.

Examine white families living in the same enumeration district as your ancestor. Ask yourself these questions:
  • Did they live near your ancestor?
  • Can you find them in the 1860 census? 1850?
  • Are they listed as slave owners on the 1850 or 1860 Supplemental Slave Schedules?
Last, but not least, records left by the Freedmen's Bureau through its work between 1865 and 1872 comprise the richest and most extensive documentary source available for studying the African-American experience in the post-Civil War and Reconstruction eras. Researchers have used these materials to explore government and military policies, local conditions and interactions between freedmen, local white population and Bureau officials. These records present the genealogist with a wealth of information that extends the reach of slave ancestor studies. Documents such as local censuses, marriage records and medical records provide the full names and former masters of freedmen. Federal censuses through 1860 listed slaves only statistically under the master's household and no name indexes are available at this time. But the documents can be rewarding, particularly since they provide full names, residences and often the names of former masters and plantations. For more information, go to

Perfect practice makes perfect: Researching slave ancestors presents special challenges because their names are not recorded in prominent places. You will often need to make “educated” guesses that lead to dead ends, so it’s important to keep track of your sources for times when you must retrace your steps.

Week of April 22-28, 2010

Signed into law by President Lincoln in May 1862, the Homestead Act has been called the most important act for the welfare of the people ever passed in the U.S. It encouraged western migration by providing that any citizen or intended citizen, 21 years of age, could have 160 acres of surveyed government land by paying $18.00 in fees and living on the land for 5 years.

Settlers from all walks of life came to meet the requirements. Anyone who had never taken up arms against the U.S. government ... including single women, freed slaves and immigrants … could file an application.

People interested in homesteading filed their intentions at the nearest Land Office and, after a check for any ownership claims, paid a filing fee of $10.00 to claim the land temporarily plus a $2.00 commission to the land agent. They were also required to live on the land, build a home, make improvements and farm the land for 5 years before they could own it outright. Alternatively, an impatient homesteader could purchase the land for $1.25/acre after having lived on the land for six months.

When all requirements were completed, and the homesteader was ready the take legal possession, he found two people willing to vouch for the truthfulness of his statements regarding land improvements and signed the "proof" document. After completing this form and paying $6.00, the homesteader received the patent for the land, signed by the current President. This paper was often proudly displayed on a wall and represented the culmination of hard work and determination!

  • An estimated 2 million homestead case files are located in the National Archives & Records Administration (NARA) in Washington. This amounts to about 30 million pieces of paper ranging from the original claim, to various documents that demonstrated the improvements, to the final decree. The files are rich in historical, social, demographic, agricultural and genealogical information … a gold mine for genealogists.
  • In an effort to preserve and provide wider access to the information in the records, Homestead National Monument of America (in Beatrice, NB) and University of Nebraska–Lincoln, contracted with NARA to microfilm the Broken Bow Land Office records (1890-1908) and created an online index to their records. Search the index at  
  • Record indexes for most of public land states east of the Mississippi are available on CD. In addition to the particulars of each claim, the CDs contain the necessary reference numbers you can use to get copies of the actual records. For further information, contact: Bureau of Land Management, Eastern States, Attn: Public Services Section, 7450 Boston Blvd., Springfield VA 22153.
  • An excellent list of resource sites for Land Records, Homesteads, Deeds, etc. can be found at
  • The Homestead Act shouldn’t be confused with “land rushes”, where previously-restricted land was opened for homesteading on a first-arrival basis. There were 7 land rushes in Oklahoma between 1889-1895 … the most well-known being the Oklahoma Land Run of 1889 (depicted in the movie “Far and Away”).
Perfect practice makes perfect: Develop a pioneer spirit and imagine yourself in a wagon train headed westward to a wilderness where you’ll face many unknowns. Look at the landscape through old eyes and learn about the world your homesteader ancestor lived in!

Week of May 13-19, 2010

More than 4 million people claimed Native American ancestry in the 2000 census. However, not everyone with Indian heritage has enough “Indian blood” for tribal membership and not all tribal members live on reservations. This makes for a challenging search.

Fortunately, there are many resources at your disposal. But unless you have a large collection of facts on your Indian ancestor, including names, dates and tribe, it is usually not helpful to begin your search in Indian records. First learn everything you can about your parents, grandparents and more distant ancestors including ancestral names, dates of birth/marriages/death and the places where your ancestors were born/married/died.

Your next goal is to establish and document the relationships of Indian ancestors and to identify the tribe with which they may have been affiliated. If you're having trouble finding your ancestor's tribal affiliation, study the localities where they were born and lived. Comparing this with tribes that historically resided in those areas may help you narrow down the possibilities. Federally-recognized Indian tribes are listed at

  • 1818 Chickasaw Census – The first known attempt at a complete census of the Chickasaw Nation.
  • 1830 Armstrong Rolls – The location of Reservations under The Choctaw Treaty of the 27th of September, 1830.
  • 1832 Creek Indian Census
  • 1851 Old Settlers Roll – Lists Cherokees who moved to Indian Territory in Oklahoma prior to December 1835. Covers about 1/3 of the Cherokee present in the area in 1851.
  • 1860 Census of Indian Lands West of Arkansas – Index to the 1860 census covering the Indian Lands west of Arkansas (now in Oklahoma).
  • 1860-1890 Censuses – Identified Indians who didn’t live in reservations with an “I” or “IN” in the color column. Read more at
  • 1867 Kern-Clifton Roll of Cherokee Freedman
  • 1880 Cherokee Census
  • 1890 Wallace Roll of Cherokee Freedmen in Indian Territory
  • 1896 Citizenship Applications – People who applied for enrollment in the Five Civilized Tribes under the Act of 1896.
  • 1898-1914 Dawes Commission Rolls – Listed over 101,000 members of the Five Civilized Tribes (Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole).
  • 1900 & 1910 Censuses – Included special schedules of Indians on reservations, called “Inquiries Relating to Indians”, with spaces for recording tribal affiliation, degree of Indian blood and more.
  • 1906 Guion Miller Roll Index – Included persons applying for compensation arising from the judgment of the U.S. Court of Claims for the Eastern Cherokee tribe.
  • 1908 Durant Roll – Counted the Chippewa and Ottawa tribes of Michigan
  • 1910-1939 Indian School Censuses – Included names of children aged 6-18, sex, tribe, degree of Indian blood and parent/guardian (often including mother’s maiden name).
  • 1924 Baker Roll – Final roll of the Eastern Cherokee, prepared pursuant to an act of the 68th Congress on June 4, 1924.
  • 1954 Proposed Ute Rolls – Full and mixed blood rolls of the Ute Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation in Utah.
Perfect practice makes perfect: Missionaries worked to “save” Indians through conversion and kept records on christenings, deaths and marriages. Read tribal histories to find out what missionaries were active in your ancestors area and time and find out where they kept their record books. Don’t forget to check indexes for military service records and pension files … Native Americans served in the military as far back as the 1700s.

Week of June 10-16, 2010

The concept of mail-order brides was first seen on the American frontier during the mid-1800s. The huge emigration of men to the Western U.S. resulted in a disproportionate ratio of men to women in such places as Washington, Arizona and especially California during the Gold Rush. While most men found financial success out west, they missed the company of a wife.

Back east, for women who were not of the privileged classes, finding a husband could be difficult particularly after the Civil War when thousands of young men died in battle and thousands more moved west. To make ends meet, many went into domestic service or nursing at an early age and were unable to take part in the courtship rituals allowed middle and upper class. Ingenuity and perseverance were needed to find a worthy mate if the most desirable qualifications – money and social standing – were not in abundance.


It was unusual for women to travel alone, so if you find records of a female ancestor traveling east to west without a male companion around the Civil War period it could have been to meet a prospective spouse. But how did they find each other?
  • Matrimonial News – Men wrote letters to churches and advertised in publications such as “San Francisco-based Matrimonial News”, a newspaper that promoted honorable matrimonial engagements and true conjugal facilities for men and women. In spite of the occasional mismatch or short-lived union, historians believe that mail-order brides produced a high percentage of permanent marriages. The reason cited is that the advertisements were candid and direct in their explanations of exactly what was wanted and expected from a prospective spouse. If requested, the parties sent accurate photos of themselves along with a page of background information. Often, when the pair met, the groom-to-be signed an agreement, witnessed by three upstanding members of the territory, not to abuse or mistreat the bride-to-be. The prospective bride then signed a paper (also witnessed) not to nag or try to change the intended! Go to:
  • Mercer Girls – Toward the end of the Civil War, women from Massachusetts were encouraged to move west. About the same time, Asa Mercer of Seattle, WA began recruiting young women by advertising for schoolmarms (though everyone knew marriage was one of the draws due to a shortage of eligible men back east). The “Mercer Girls” paid their own passage of $250 which provided transportation and lodging. When they arrived in the territories, they were put up by families who were glad to have young women as teachers and citizens. Though few in number, the Mercer Girls are well-documented and were depicted in the TV series Here Come the Brides. Go to:
  • Busy Bee Club – Distressed by shootouts over eligible Black females, six Tucson, AZ wives formed the “Busy Bee Club” in 1885 to arrange mail-order brides for young Black miners by contacting Black churches and newspapers in the east.
  • Good Reads – “Hearts West: True Stories of Mail-Order Brides on the Frontier”; “I Do! Courtship, love, and marriage on the American Frontier”; “Black Women of the Old West”.
Perfect practice makes perfect: Throughout my series you’ll see references surrounded by “quotation marks”. When you surround a string of words with these marks, you’re telling search engines to only bring back pages that include those words in exactly the order you typed them.

Week of July 21-28, 2010

Many of our female ancestors played multiple roles in their families: wife, mother, financial manager, teacher, disciplinarian, even breadwinner. They also served their communities through church groups and women’s clubs. Why, then, is it so difficult to trace women in genealogical records?

Prior to the 20th century, most historical records were created for and about men. Property was usually listed under the man’s name, and men ran businesses and government. Meanwhile, a woman typically changed her name each time she married and, of course, children carried men’s surnames to the next generation.

Since no record set focuses on women, researching them in genealogical documents is more about strategy than anything else.


Study Her Name – List the full name (maiden and married) of the woman you’re seeking, noting all nicknames and variations you can think of. Pay attention to an unusual given and middle name which could indicate she was named after a forebear. Don’t be thrown off by middle initials: After marriage, women often used the first initial of their maiden name in place of their given middle name (i.e. Mary Jane Smith to Mary S. Jones).

Naming traditions also may provide clues: Some cultures name the first daughter after her mother’s mother, the second daughter after her father’s mother, and the third daughter after her mother.

Explore Records – Begin with a chronological list of life and historical events that may have generated records:
  • Weddings mean license applications, marriage certificates, marriage banns and bonds in church records. Children may have birth and baptismal certificates. Death certificates and tombstones may bear maiden names. Also note social or religious groups or societies a woman might’ve belonged to.
  • Old newspapers may contain obituaries or wedding announcements.
  • Search every census during her lifetime. If you notice from censuses that most of her children were born in one county, start your marriage records search there. Look for relatives, as young couples sometimes lived with parents. In her later years, a woman may be living with one of her children.
  • Often a different name for a wife on census and other records will clue you in to a change in marital relations. But it also could be the same woman going by a middle name or nickname. Don’t rush to judgment!
  • Until 1922 wives were sometimes listed on their husband’s naturalization records. After that, you can find separate records for married women.
  • A woman could file for a military pension when her husband or unmarried son died of war-related injuries. Widows had to send marriage records to assure the government if wouldn’t end up paying more than one pension on the same man. NARA has pension records for soldiers from 1775-1916.
Research Those Around Her – Since women weren’t subjects of official documents, look in records for her husband, sons, father, brothers and other men she’s associated with. She may show up as a household member, godparent, heir or in-law.

Good Reads“The Hidden Half of the Family: A Sourcebook for Women’s Genealogy” and “A genealogist’s Guide to Discovering Your Female Ancestors”.
Perfect practice makes perfect: Never underestimate a visit to a library in the area where your ancestors lived to browse their genealogical resources. If you can’t go in person, but have an idea of what you’re looking for; try a search at or

Week of August 26-September 1, 2010

The Coat of Arms originated as a need to distinguish participants in combat when their faces were hidden by iron and steel helmets. As its use in jousting became obsolete, arms remained popular for visually identifying a person in other ways and were first used as a hereditary device in England in the mid-twelfth century.

It’s the hereditary aspect of arms that makes them useful to the genealogist. Each one belongs to a particular family and no two families are allowed to bear the same arms. Many people, mostly Americans, wrongly believe that every family was once issued a coat of arms and then everyone born with that family name is automatically entitled to use it.

  • Coats of arms are NEVER issued to families; they are issued to individuals. Arms are granted by the King of Arms in England and Ireland, while the court of the Lord Lyon King of Arms grants that right in Scotland. They are issued by heralds and there are different heralds in each country in the United Kingdom and Europe. Granting isn’t automatic … each person must apply.
  • When a man is entitled to display arms, his sons may apply for their own. Sons are usually granted arms that are very similar to their father’s but changed slightly to add some small detail showing this is the shield of their particular family branch. If a man has multiple sons, each applies for his own coat of arms with slight differences. This use of slightly modified arms is called “differenced arms”.
  • When the father dies, the eldest son may apply to use the exact coat of arms that his father used. Once granted, he stops using his differenced arms. His younger brothers continue to use their differenced arms. Permission to use a deceased father’s coat of arms is not automatic.
  • There have been instances where women have inherited a coat of arms. However, a woman cannot pass them along to her children unless she has no brothers. In that case, the woman is considered to be the “heraldic heiress” to the coat of arms and may pass it along to her children.
  • The U.S. has never accepted the concept of nobility and has no officially-recognized heralds. Several American organizations claim to be able to issue coats of arms, but any such arms issued by an American organization have to be considered “unofficial”. Americans who wish to obtain legitimate coats of arms apply first in the name of a foreign-born ancestor with the heralds in the country where that ancestor lived. The American descendant may then apply to use the ancestor’s coat of arms as his “inherited right to arms.”
The wearing or display of arms is restricted in most countries that recognize the ownership of coats of arms. There are no such restrictions in the U.S. Thus, the sale (or use) of fraudulent family coats of arms is rarely stopped by authorities. Learn more at

Perfect practice makes perfect: An ad for “your family’s coat of arms” is not worth the paper it’s printed on. Regardless of your last name, you should display a particular coat of arms only if: (1) you have applied to the heralds for permission to display the particular arms and (2) if such permission has been granted. Once that happens, you are the only person in the world authorized to display that coat of arms!

Week of September 16-22, 2010

If you have immigrant ancestors who didn’t become U.S. citizens before 1940, then you may find a search for Alien Registration Records worth your time. The Alien Registration Act of 1940 required all non-citizens, 14 years or older, to register at their local Post Office or INS office … now the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Service (USCIS).

A great deal of information of interest to genealogists was collected, including full names, date/place of birth, date/port of arrival in the U.S., whether the alien ever applied for citizenship, names of parents/spouse/children in the U.S. and much more!

Alien registration first occurred between 1917-1918, following the onset of World War I. More than 4 million alien residents were registered during the first year of the program. Unfortunately, many of these records have been destroyed over the years, but a number of scattered records are held in state archives and other repositories across the U.S.

For the WWII period 1940-1944, alien registration records were microfilmed by the USCIS for internal use. Copies can be obtained via an online request at But prepared to be patient as they are currently working to fulfill requests made about four months ago.


WWI Alien Registration files are scattered around the U.S. Existing files can often be found in state archives and similar repositories. Records for Kansas, Phoenix, Arizona and St. Paul, MN can be searched online. Other alien registration records are available in offline repositories, such as the 1918 Minnesota Alien Registration records at the Iron Range Research Center in Chisholm, MN. Between 1917-1918 the following information was generally collected:
  • Full name (including maiden name)
  • Current residence/length of residence
  • Place of birth
  • Spouse’s name/residence
  • Children’s names/sex/birthdates
  • Parents’ names (including mother’s maiden), birth date/place
  • Siblings birth date/place and current residence
  • Whether any male relatives serving in the military for/against U.S.
  • Whether registered for selective draft
  • Previous military or government service
  • Date of immigration, name of vessel, port of arrival
  • Whether naturalized in another country
  • Whether reported/registered with a consul since June 1, 1914
  • Whether applied for naturalization or took out first papers; if yes, when/where
  • Whether ever taken an oath of allegiance other than to U.S.
  • Whether ever arrested or detained on any charge
  • Whether held a permit to enter a forbidden area
  • Description of registrant/Photograph/Fingerprints/Signature
WWII Alien Registration (AR-2) files are available on microfilm from the USCIS and can be obtained by completing a Genealogy Immigration Records Request at the site indicated above. Unless you have the actual alien registration number from an alien registration card, passenger list or naturalization document, you should begin by requesting a Genealogy Index Search. Between 1940-1944 the 2-page Alien Registration Form (AR2) asked for the following information:
  • Name/Name at time of entry to U.S./Other names used
  • Date/place of birth
  • Gender/Race/Citizenship/Nationality
  • Height/Weight/Hair & Eye Color
  • Address
  • Marital status
  • Date/port/vessel/class of admission of last arrival in U.S.
  • Date of first arrival in U.S./Number of years in U.S.
  • Usual occupation/present occupation
  • Name/address/business of present employer
  • Membership in clubs/organizations/societies
  • Dates/nature of military or naval service
  • Whether citizenship papers were filed; if so date/place/court
  • Number of relatives living in U.S.
  • Arrest record, including date/place/disposition
  • Whether/not affiliated with a foreign government
  • Signature/Fingerprint
Perfect practice makes perfect: If your ancestor was born less than 100 years prior to your request, you may be required to provide proof of death with your request, i.e. a death certificate, printed obituary, photograph of the tombstone or other document demonstrating the subject of your request is deceased. Always submit copies of those items as they will not be returned.


Week of October 21-27, 2010

You probably know more about an elusive ancestor than you think. Most likely you at least know their name, and based on that, their sex. You may know to whom they’re related ... which side of your family they come from. You may also have a general idea of where they lived, based on where that side of the family originated.

Elusive ancestors tend to fall into common categories such as those listed below. When you encounter one of them, refer to this list for suggested resources.


Black Sheep … the relative nobody wants to talk about!
  • Census (Check Occupation Column)
  • Coroner & Funeral Home Records
  • Census Mortality Schedules (1850-1880)
  • Court Records
  • FBI, Prison & Institutional Records
  • Marriage & Divorce Records
  • Message Boards
  • Newspapers & Obituaries
Census Evaders … in one census and out the other!
  • City Directories
  • Census Mortality Schedules (1850-1880)
  • Soundex Indexes to 1880 & Later Censuses
  • State & Territorial Censuses
  • Tax Lists
Drifters … move around more than a band of gypsies!
  • Censuses (Check Birthplace Column)
  • City Directories
  • Deeds & Land Records
  • Migration & Boundary-Change Maps
  • Social Histories
Elusive Female … not where she’s supposed to be!
  • Court Records
  • Convent Records
  • Marriage & Divorce Records
  • Military Pension Files
  • Naturalization Papers
  • Newspaper Society Pages
  • Records of Her Husband, Children & Siblings
Mystery Immigrants … your missing links to the old country!
  • Alien Registrations
  • Censuses (Check Birthplace & Language Columns)
  • Church Records
  • Emigration Lists
  • Ethnic Newspapers
  • Naturalization Papers
  • Newspapers’ Ship Arrival Notices
  • Passenger Arrival Lists
Orphans or Adoptees … the ultimate brick wall!
  • Amended or Delayed Birth Certificates
  • Apprenticeships
  • Censuses
  • Family Interviews
  • Guardianships & Orphan Court Records
  • Message Boards & Support Groups
  • Newspaper Adoption Notices
  • Orphan Train Records
  • Orphanage Records
Perfect practice makes perfect: Be open-minded: Consider all possibilities for names, dates and places. Avoid assumptions based on family lore. Review your research documents for missed siblings and witnesses. And don’t give up too easily … after all, isn’t the hunt half the fun of genealogy?


Week of November 18-24, 2010

It’s fun to imagine the settings in which our ancestors lived, but in eras where photographs are scarce it can be difficult to picture. Fortunately, the internet offers a great opportunity to tour places we might otherwise never see. Perhaps their home is long gone and a mere dot on the grid. But locating that dot will give you a sense of what their surroundings were like when they lived there.


Addresses can appear in any number of genealogical sources … vital records, censuses, city directories and newspapers. If you have these documents, compile a list of addresses and the dates they lived there. Then look for these records to fill in the blanks:
  • Address Books – If you have family address books, scan them for your ancestors. Birthday and holiday card lists are another good source.
  • Photos – Until flash bulbs became common in the 1920s, low lighting prevented most amateurs from shooting indoors. Old outdoor snapshots will often an ancestors home in the background. (Perhaps there’s something written on the back to give you a clue as to its location!) Also search web sites of local libraries, historical societies and chambers of commerce for street scenes … if you know the street where your ancestor lived, you might spot their house in the background!
  • Vital Records – Birth, marriage and death records contain street addresses of parents, newlyweds and the deceased (ref. Lesson 3: How to Find Vital Records).
  • Censuses – Some U.S. censuses show the street name and numbers on the left side of the page. From 1890-1930 they also reported whether a person owned his property and if it was mortgaged (ref. Lesson 4: Making Sense of the Census).
  • Newspapers – Obituaries from the late 19th and 20th centuries often included the address of the deceased. In the same time frame, marriage notices reported where the newlyweds would live and where their parents resided … especially for affluent families. Newspaper real estate sections also reveal who sold what property to whom.
  • Directories – Similar to telephone books, city directories were more likely to exist for urban than rural areas. Libraries and historical societies often have them in print or on microfilm. Through your local library, you might be able to borrow microfilm through inter-library loan.
  • Atlases – The 19th and 20th century Beers Atlases, which generally covered the Eastern U.S. have dots signifying houses, with names beside them. Some are available in electronic format from publishers like Also check for printed atlases at local libraries and historical societies. Or search the internet on the place name and “historical atlas”.
Once you’ve located the address you’re looking for, Google’s FREE mapping tool at can show you where the house was located. If you click the “Satellite” tab, you’ll get a bird’s-eye view of what’s there now. For some urban area, you can click the “Street View” tab for a street-level shot of the address and may actually be able to navigate around the neighborhood!

Perfect practice makes perfect: If you’re having trouble locating an ancestor’s address, Paula Warren offers some solutions in her article, Why Can’t I find or Recognize My Ancestral Homes? at Also read Tracking Their Every Move by Laura Prescott at Both can be accessed for FREE.

Week of December 16~22, 2010

If you’re fairly certain that an ancestor lived in a particular area but are having no luck finding them in records, it’s time to think out of the box. Searching for alternate spellings of surnames is always important in genealogy, but you may need to go beyond looking only for the traditional alternatives.

Our immigrant ancestors often changed the spelling of their surname in an effort to “Americanize” and fit in with their new community or as the result of dealing with a new language. Simplifying a name (rather than having to constantly explain how it's spelled) was also the reason for change.

Even if you think your ancestor’s surname was always spelled a certain way, surnames were often accidentally misspelled in records: clerks and transcribers may have copied the name incorrectly from faded original documents or from handwriting too difficult to decipher.

In 1918, Robert Russell obtained a patent on a method for indexing based on the way a name was “pronounced”, rather than how it was spelled. He did this by coding 8 phonetic sound types with a few additional rules. Together with Margaret Odell, he obtained a second patent in 1922 with some variations and sold it to various commercial and governmental organizations. In the 1930s, it was taken up in a modified form by the Social Security Administration under a work creation scheme to extract certain data from the U.S. Census and to index its records. “Soundex” has also been used for immigration records and, more recently, for indexing, search engines and spell-checkers.


A Soundex search codes together surnames that sound similar phonetically but have different spellings. For example, searching for Johnson in a database with a Soundex option will bring results that include Johnson, Johnsson, Johnsen and more.

It's not a good idea to begin a database search with a Soundex option as you will receive many more results than from a non-Soundex search. A Soundex search is best after being unsuccessful in a first search (or if you’re unsure how to spell a name). It provides a wider reach and better chance of finding an elusive ancestor. (the FREE Mormon database) automatically does a Soundex search unless you check the "Use Exact Spelling" box. Try searching with and without the box checked to compare results. (a paid site) also provides a Soundex option. As with most databases, you must check the Soundex box to receive a Soundex search. Again, try searching both ways.

Be creative when identifying alternate surname spelling for your family, and don’t be afraid to try the odd or unexpected. Also try pronouncing names the way your immigrant ancestors might have. The new alternate spelling you create may be the key to finding a missing person!

Go to to generate a Soundex code and see other surnames sharing the same code.

Perfect practice makes perfect: Keep a list of where you found alternate spellings you’ve discovered throughout your research. This will help you to easily find records if you need to revisit a source.