Monday, December 13, 2010

Common Abbreviations

Using the abbreviations below, genealogical relationships may be distinguished by single or compound relationships, such as BC for a brother's children, MBD for a mother's brother's daughter, and so forth.


B = Brother
C = Child(ren)
D = Daughter
F = Father
GC = Grandchild(ren)
GP = Grandparent(s)
P = Parent
S = Son
Z = Sister
W = Wife
H = Husband
SP = Spouse
LA = In-law
SI = Siblings
M = Mother
(m.s.) = male speaking
(f.s.) = female speaking


a.a.s. Died in the year of his/her (anno aetitis) (86 y/o or died in the year 86 of his/her life)
abt. About
a.k.a. Also known as
b. Born
consort Spouse (consort of)
bet. Between
d. Died
d.s.p. Died without issue (decessit sine prole ligitima)
d.s.p.l. Died without legitimate issue (decessit sine prole mascula supesita
d.s.p.m.s. Died without surviving male issue (decessit sine prole mascula supersita)
d.s.p.s. Died without surviving issue (decessit sine prole supersita)
d.unm Died unmarried
d.v.p. Died in the lifetime of his father (decessit vita patris)
d.v.m. Died in the lifetime of his mother (decessit vita matris)
d.y. Died young
Et al And others (et alia)
f/o Father of
Inst Present month (instans)
Liber Book or volume
m. Married
m/o Mother of
Nepos Grandson
nka Now known as
nm Never married
Nunc (Nuncapative will) an oral will, written by a witness
Ob He/she died (obit)
Relict Widow or widower (relicta/relictus)
Sic So or thus, exact copy as written
s/o Son of
Testes Witnesses
Ult Late (ultimo)
Ux or Vs Wife (uxor)
Viz Namely (videlicet)
w/o Wife of